About Me 

Hello and thanks for stopping by to my site! My name is Felix, but usually everyone calls me Skeebis 
online. Not really much to say here, but I am proud of this website I've made. This is actually the 4th website I've made ever, I think. I started making them back in about 2016? when I was in this coding class called Hackingtons they had us make these websites to go along with our little games that we made on Scratch. This is back when you could still embed Scratch projects onto your website using flash, and I did just that. We even hosted them and had it so people could buy t-shirts on red-bubble with our logos of our company on them. Anyways, that eventually stopped getting hosted online and I moved into another website using WiX. Not much and that one stopped being used too. Eventually though, I found this thing called "Own-free-website.com" and started using that. It seemed perfect, however, the only problem I had with it was the big friggin' banner at the top. So I stopped using it. Here's the link if you want to see it. I still use it to make my pages on this website though, speaking of which, this is my site now. I'm happy with it currently because there's no friggin' banner at the top and it seems like it has much more of a community with other sites using this service than the other one. Anyways, that's the history of my websites.